Hi Kandi,
Hope you guys are doing well! Just wanted to give you an update on Kona. She is doing great out here in Huntington Beach and has truly become a beach dog! Her weight has stabilized to about 80-85 lbs and has been this weight for the past 7 months(when her hair grows out, she can look about 140 lbs). She did most of her growing between 4-7 months when she grew from about 40 to 70 lbs! She is like a big stuffed animal. She loves people, loves playing with other dogs, loves sleeping upside down like her mom (we are sorry and sad to hear Fancy passed away), and loves playing at the beach! She is just a happy bernedoodle. We basically almost get stopped by people everytime we walk her down to main street and the pier down here in HB and Kona loves the attention. Here are some recent pictures of her. She definitely has more of the tall poodle frame and her browns faded to a very light cream color. She is such a beautiful dog! She is the best dog we have ever had. Thanks again so much for Kona!
Kona just had her first grooming today! She looks so pretty! Haha! Here are some recent pics. The one with all 3 of us is Christmas eve at my mom's, the one at the beach was last week, and Kona in the car was this morning after her grooming. Kona is all scheduled to get spayed on Thursday morning. So she will be out commission for a couple weeks.
It's funny, we get stopped by people almost every time we walk her because she is so cute and they never have seen this mix before. Some people have even taken pics of her! Some people actually think she is a Portuguese Water Dog when they first see her. Kona is such a sweetheart and actually listens pretty well, but can be a little stubborn(the Berner coming out!), and she LOVES playing with other dogs! Hope you guys are doing well and thanks again for such a wonderful Bernedoodle!!!!
We LOVE our puppy. She is a light in our life, sweet, cuddly & a character. Thank you for breeding wonderful dogs. We can't thank you enough! Kona had her 1st haircut :-)

Dear Kandi:
Merry Christmas!
Our family Christmas present came early this year when we picked up Hamlet from you.
thought you might like an update and some photos of him at four months old.
Hamlet is a big, sweet rascal and he is absolutely beautiful. We say he is the "Rockstar of Dogs"
because everywhere we go, people go ga-ga over him. He loves everybody and there are times when
I think he would go home with anyone he meets - he is that friendly! He's gone through puppy
school and the trainer said he was one of the smartest and most loveable dogs she's worked with.
He's good with commands except when he is feeling especially frisky and energetic. Still, he is pretty
calm for his age. He absolutely loved puppy school because he got to be around lots of dogs. I'm
convinced that he is so friendly with people and dogs because be was with people and dogs all the time
at your house.
Don't be surprised if you get a flood of requests for puppies from Indianapolis: my vet
(who has a Bernedoodle from Iowa) has a photo of Hamlet on her Facebook page. She showed
this photo to her daughter who asked "if they could trade their dog in." The vet next to the puppy
school came running out when he saw the trainer working with him and wanted to know where
we got him. Another friend who has a Bernese Mountain Dog said that she was planning for her
next dog to be a Bernedoodle. He really is a stunning dog! When people come up to him he just
squirms all over with joy. He loves other dogs and always wants to play.
It's hard to say how much he weighs now, but I'm guessing 30-35 lbs at least. He's getting hard
for me to pick up, but part of that is because he's so relaxed and floppy. He started climbing stairs
on his own in the nick of time! He gets plenty of exercise chasing (and being chased by) my
Labradoodle and he enjoys being outside in all kinds of weather, but especially in new snow. He
has a big bark and loves to "talk." While I'm writing this I can hear him barking and wrestling with
my Labradoodle in the next room. They are really going at it!
Hamlet has a special relationship with each person in my family. Everyone loves him and shares
in taking care of him. He is a great addition to our household and is the perfect dog for us.
I am so glad I found you and I want to thank you for your work in bringing so much love and enjoyment
to us!
Heimansohn Family
Hello Kandi -
We wanted to say Happy Birthday to you since it is thanks to you that we now have our
incredible dog! At one year old, Hamlet is upwards of 100 lbs of pure love and joy. When
he was a few weeks old, you told us that he was a quite a snugglebug and he still is. He
has no idea that he is enormous and has pinned me down on a couple of occasions when
he draped himself across my chest and I couldn't get up (see photo). But it's all worth it.
We love him so much!
Thanks again! We are so glad we found you when we did (that waiting list - whew!!!).
Dear Kandi,
I see from your website that you have had a productive year of Bernedoodling! I thought I would send you an update from one of your 2013 puppies. Hamlet is now 16 months old. A couple of months ago he weighed 105; I think your original estimate was 90-110, but it looks like he will top that. Hamlet is loads of fun and an incredibly loving dog who thinks he's a tiny lapdog. We couldn't love him any more than we do. It looks like you had a bunch of beautiful pups this last year!

Hi Kandi,
Theia is doing great! I was just thinking the other day that I need to send you another set of pictures because she has been growing so fast. These photos are a couple of weeks old and she is even bigger now! She is starting to teeth so we have been having to watch her like a hawk. She is also super smart and has been picking up on her training faster than all the other dogs in the class.
Bemus Family
Video shows his favorite game, leaping and catching balls as I bounce them! Have a wonderful holiday season!!
Groban Familly

Hello kandi
Hope all is well. So hard to believe a year has gone by since we have had our girl can. We love her and she competes our family
She is the perfect dog..we just love her. She would love to have a playmate. We would live to get another puppy
It would be wonderful if we could get a tri color from your family
We would be interested in getting this time next summer

Hello Kandi:
I hope all is well. I have been meaning to send you a picture of Cai, as soon as we got home… and boy, time sure does fly!
This picture was last week, she just got a haircut!
She is about 45 pounds, eats well, sleeps well, plays well, and is doing great. Cai fit right into our family, and we cant imagine not having her.
She is very smart, and learns very quickly. She can sit, shake, lay, sit up and also bark when she wants to go out! She also does not like the broom.. every time I sweep, she goes crazy!
Most people who see her, think she is a Portuguese water dog, but are very impressed with her manners and personality.
I see you are very busy with many more litters….. I also see our neighbor is on the future litter list! So glad they were able to get on the list, they loved Cai!
Thank you…
The Webbert Family

Good morning Kandi,
I thought you would love to see how Cobie is growing. She is just adorable and Cai loves her and takes wonderful care of her.
The first one is my favorite. She was out on our deck doing yoga with my daughter!!
Cobie is everything we could have hoped for.
Thank you,
Webbert family

Hello Kandi,
Everything is great, and we are all adjusting. As you can tell from the
pictures, Cai loves her little sister, and Cobie really enjoys her as well.
They pretty much stay by each others side. We love Cobie, she is very smart
and is a beautiful dog.
Thank you for our new addition and taking such great care of the puppies.
Much appreciation,

Hi Kandi,
We're coming up on 6 months since Bernie (that's what we named her) was born. She is super playful and loves attention from people. She's healthy and graduated puppy kindergarten. We are currently enrolled in another training program that is teaching heel and all the other stuff minus all the treats. We love having her as our pup! Enjoy these couple of pictures.
Hutson Family
p.s. As she gets older, and if the light hits her just right, we see brown hair mixed in with her black. We think she's beautiful.

Hi Kandi,
I thought you might enjoy seeing a few pictures of Gilly. She's
about 24 lbs. now and full of energy! Gilly's such a good puppy
and we absolutely adore her. We've been to three puppy training
classes and the trainers have been very impressed with her level
of confidence at such an early age. We're working on the
'mouthing' issue, but other than that, she's been the perfect
puppy. She still sees Micheal and the cat as fellow puppies.
We just got back from a camping trip to the UP, and she
coulden't have been better. Please feel free to use us as a
reference for others considering a bernedoodle puppy. I can't
say enough about this breed..... most people think she's a
Portugeuse Water dog, but when they find out she's a
Bernese/poodle mix, they say that's 'even better.' She's playful,
confident, obedient and most of all loving.
Thanks again!
Voges Family

Hello! So I was so surprised to see that there was a puppy greeting me in the living room! That you so much for giving Brian and I our little girl. She's perfect! Brian said she did great on the car ride. She is such a love. She did really well last night. She woke up every three hours and after I was sure she was crying to go out I took her. Each time she went to the bathroom right away! She did get distracted at 3am when the cat from the barn came to say hi. She chased the cat and tumbled a lot trying to catch her! The goldendoodle that is also here is so good to her. He's about 10 now and I don't think he knows the baby isn't his. He won't leave her side and insists on making sure she is okay if she makes even the slightest sound. She ate very well this morning and has been rather thirsty today. She is such a great addition to our family. We are thinking of naming her Quigley. Thank you so much for her! Attached is a photo of Juice (the goldendoodle) and our little girl with her baby toy.
Draughn Family
Quigley is doing great! She chases chickens, plays with cats and tries to sneak her way to the pond to swim. We are so thankful to have her! Here are some pictures you're welcome to use.
Draughn Family

Scopi is 8 months old now and is still growing fast. He is 75 lbs, and gaining on us quickly. He is a good puppy, however with his height is able to get into everything! We are working on his obedience and he is doing well with it. He is often torn between his intense need to please and his strong curiosity for all things. He loves everyone and every animal he meets. When we go on walks it takes forever because he insists on laying down to greet everyone who comes across our path. We will keep you updated as we go.
-Stacy and Alison

Scopi is 9 months old and doing great with his training. He is a sweet sweet 80lb boy. People stop us on the street to see what breed he is and always ask "have you seen his paws?!?"

I have been neglectful in sending pictures. Scopi is now one and a half and doing wonderful. He is a big love, he loves all people, other dogs, and other animals. He is learning his manners better, but there is still some puppy in him. He is now over 100 pounds and can easily help himself to anything on the counter or in the sink (still working on that). Hope all is well with you and the new puppies.
-Stacy and Alison

This is Lizzie.... Purple Girl born 5/4/2012.
She is beautiful and has the most loving
personality. She has also met her sister
Yancy who was born from the 1st litter.
They look alike and Yancy has the same
friendly personality. Thank you for one
of my best friends (big sister Harley is a
labradoodle. They are best pals)
Just letting you know little Sophie is fitting in quite well. Our german sheperd and boxer have all become good friends! She is a smart little thing she already knows what door to go to when she wants to go out. She is such a sweet dog. It was great meeting you all.
Lochmandy Family
We have had Sophie 2 weeks and she is doing well. Crate training is going well and she is just so sweet. Went to the vet today and had shots and heart worm med. Did well. Loves riding in the car and is really developing her personality. Will send pics later. Thanks for all you did.
Hughy Family
Hi Kandi!! Hope you've been well! Been meaning to send you pics of Winnie and let you know how she's doing. She's the sweetest dog ever and full of energy. She loves everyone she meets which is nice because she gets a lot of attention everywhere we go! Her colors have come in quite nicely, she's a very beautiful dog. We actually met another bernedoodle on my block that came from your farm. A white and gray pup named nickolbee and his owner's name is Juliet. Both very sweet. It got me wondering if my pup's siblings were anywhere in the chicagoland area, I would love to setup a play date for Winnie to meet her siblings! Would you mind passing along my info to the other families that had pups from the same litter and ask them if I can reach out to setup a play date? Thanks for everything, I absolutely love love love my pup and couldn't be happier that she is a part of our lives. All the best, Salman

Hi Kandi!
We LOVE Stephen!!!!
He is by far the best and smartest dog we have ever had. Along with being adorable and smart, he is gentle , sweet , loyal, and very cuddly.
He is almost six months and weighs 50 pounds.
He is getting neutered next week. And I was curious or not you would like to use him as one of your stud's😀 I only ask this because we are always being stopped by people inquiring about Stephen. So many people love his coloring.
I will send pictures.
Thanks again for the amazing dog.

Hi Kandi! I wanted to give you a quick update on Winston, he's almost 8 months old now and he's doing great! He loves being outside, rain, snow or sunshine! He is great with my niece and nephew and absolutely loves sitting in the yard and watching the kid next door play basketball, it's so cute! Winston loves every one and every dog he's around! I am taking him to a new indoor doggy pool this weekend and I'm hoping he loves the water! He is getting neutered on June 2nd I will send you the paper work after. I hope everything is going well. Thank you for the wonderful puppy!
Hi Kandi! Winston is 10 months old already! He weighs about 58 pounds and is the best lap dog ever. He got neutered yesterday, he is doing well just hates his cone :( he's got some long legs and can jump so high it's like he has springs in his legs! He is also amazing with kids, loves everyone and loves all dogs. Thank you for the amazing sweet pup who has become my best friend and the pup who doesn't stop following his mom around!
-Walls Family

Hi Kandi,
We received our Pippi from you back in March, and frankly, we couldn't love her more. She is so perfect for our family. Such a fun goofball and loooooooooooooooooves other dogs. So much so that we're (perhaps crazily) thinking about getting another one from you.
We would want a standard bernedoodle (so 50% berner and 50% standard poodle), and we'd like another girl. If I had my way, since Pippi is all black with some white markings, this time we'd get something super non-traditional and funky, maybe on the lighter scale or merle. Steph is indifferent to colors.
So, a couple of questions:
1) Have you heard how the bernedoodles usually do with other bernedoodles when separated by a year or two? I can't imagine it's not well, but just curious if you have thoughts on the matter.
2) Given the parameters above, if we put a deposit in now, any thoughts on when we might come off the list (for planning purposes)?
Andrew and Stephanie