Raising and Training Your Knew Puppy
If you have decided to adopt your new puppy from us, the next step is to think about bringing that new puppy home. Its never to early to get ready for your new baby and being prepared can make the transition easier for both you and your puppy.
The benefits of crate training...
We highly recommend crate training your new puppy right away. Dogs are naturally cave animals. They find comfort in having a cozy place where they can get away and feel safe. Draping a blanket over three sides of the crate can make your new puppy even more comfortable, and lessen barking and whining. The first couple of nights are always the hardest. Your puppy is used to sleeping with a whole bunch of cuddly critters. He is probably going to cry for a good portion of the night. The instinct is going to be to soothe him. It is hard but its best to let him be. This way he will learn that whining isn't going to give him attention, and you will be less likely to have separation anxiety problems later on with your dog. Crate training is also going to make potty training a lot easier.
I believe they are very few dogs that are born mean. Many get that way by improper socialization and lack of training. When my puppies leave my home, I have the up most confidence that they can be sweet, loving, well behaved members of their new family. I have no reason not to think this as their parents are that way so why shouldn't they be. That being said it is important for their new family to make sure to give them the best chance of turning out to be everything they have the potential to be. A rule of thumb at my home when training the puppies is anything you wouldent want them to do when the are a year old and 100 lbs, they shouldn't do when the are small and eight weeks old either. Jumping on furniture, jumping on people, barking excessively, biting ect. should be stopped when they are a puppy and not set in their ways. Its a lot easier to teach a puppy "no" than a big adult. Bernese Mountain Dogs and Bernedoodles do best with gentle but firm encouragement rather than harsh scolding. They are a breed who is very willing to learn and please. I highly encourage families to take their new puppy to obedience classes. It is a great place to get to know your new puppy and get tips on the best ways to work with him. Its also a great place to meet new friends who aregoing through the joys and struggles of raising a new puppy.
Raising a good natured and well mannered Dog

One of our goldendoodles attending puppy obedience classes with her family.
Raising a healthy Dog
Keeping up on the health of your puppy is very important. Regular annual vet checks are a great way to make sure your dog is going to live a long and happy life. Keeping up on recommended shots and heart wormings can also lengthen the life of your dog. Bernese Mountain Dogs are prone to health problems that are common in large breeds. These issues can be found in varying degrees from undetectable or barely noticeable, to severe and life threatening. No breeder can guarantee that a puppy wont get these health issues. They can only do their best to make sure their parents are healthy and come from good lines. We are careful when choosing our parent dogs that do come from healthy lines. We make sure that they come from parents and grand parents who have had strong healthy puppies and if they have had puppies before, that they have had healthy puppies. Genetics are only a part of a puppy developing health issues, enviroment plays a large role in it as well. It is important to feed your new puppy a good quality large breed food. Making sure your dog maintains a healthy weight and does not become overweight can help in life quality and expectancy too. It is important, especially when they are young, to not over exercise a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy. It can be hard on theirs soft bones and joints. We also have a rule of thumb to help keep joints healthy. If the puppy cant go up, it cant go down. We apply this rule to furniture and steps. If your puppy cant get up on the couch or go up the stairs on its own, it shouldn't jump down either. If you notice a negative physical change in your dog or puppy, bring them to the vet right away. Many problems are manageable and treatable if found early. Each dog is different in its physical needs so its a good idea to ask your vet for any tips to help give your dog the best possible life.