We have enjoyed our sweet Stoli so much, we picked her up from you in November. She was born on September 9. We enjoy this pups temperament & personality she is just adorable. We have two other dogs that are golden doodles and we must say without them listening that stoli is our best dog we've ever had. She is thriving, we took her to canine puppy school and she graduated at the top of her class. She is very smart and loves to play with her two sisters. We have had a couple health scares with our other two dogs in the past couple of months and we would love to get back on your list for another sweet pup in the future. Hope you enjoy the pictures that I am sending and let me know what the wait time is for this repeat Michigan girl. Sincerely Becker Family

Hi Kandi! Thought I'd send u some pics of 'Kip that I took today. He is turning out to b quite the beauty...inside n out. He is such a funny, goofy, ornery n totally loving dog...we couldn't b happier w him. Just know he's having a great dog life...spreading his cheerful goofiness wherever he goes. ..we love him to pieces!!! We do plan his neuter for March 3rd. Thanks for what u do!
Hi Kandi! I wanted to let u know how impressed I am w Skipper's temperament. I've had dogs all my life n have never had such a well adjusted puppy. Wil's a County Councilman n had all day budget hearings Tues thru Thurs n I had to b in Ft Wayne literally all day Tues n Weds to take care of things for my mom who just went into Asstd Living....soooo....I just took Skipper w me. He went into the bank, library, grocery store, my mothers very long Drs appt n into her Asstd Living facility. I took him into all the stores I had errands at in our outdoor mall n he charmed the pants off everyone. He rode around on a beach towel in the cart at Bed, Bath n Beyond w/out a problem. I even met one of my friends for a quick coffee outside Panerra n he just fell asleep on his blanket on the tabletop. He rides in the car like a dream...just amazing!!
Howard Family

Hi Kandi!
Hope all is well w you n yours. I just felt compelled to email you and say just how much we love and treasure our ‘Kip. Whoever thought to combine a Bernese n a Standard Poodle were brilliant. I have never had a better more loving dog. He and I are sitting on our dock out on the lake. He loves to just lay in my lap n cuddle while I’m reading...one of our many favorite things to do together. I’ve never had a more well rounded dog. He’s funny, so goofy, athletic, smart, easy going and...of course...obnoxious at times.
Thank you for all your breeding efforts!!

Hi Kandi!
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to share some updated pics of Waffles as she is already 4 months! Upon last vet visit she is already 32 pounds. We are absolutely in love and couldn't be happier with her personality and demeanor. She is so so good with other people, kids and other dogs and SO smart.
I hope all is well with you and we will send more pics in a few months.
Ryan and Lauren.....and waffles :)

Attached is a copy of Boden's neuter record. Please let me know if it doesn't appear below.
Boden has been a great addition to our family. Our two boys love him very much and he is very patient and gentle with them. He graduated from puppy obedience class yesterday and has proven to be very intelligent and quick to learn new things. He loves every dog and person he meets and we are always being complimented on how good of a dog he is, as well as how attractive he is. I remember reading that Tangy is very quick and athletic. Boden definitely is very athletic and agile also. Thank you so much for having an excellent breeding program and helping us find a wonderful puppy.

So So sorry it's been a hectic 8 months but here are the many pictures of our beloved Louie!!!He is pure joy happiness and love!!!!THANKYOU FOR GIVING US THE GIFT TO MAKE HIM PART OF OUR FAMILY!The Melrod Family

Hi Kandi,
Hope all is well with you and your family!
Murphy is a great dog! He is very loving, playful and loves the outdoors and riding in the car. He is 85lbs now and very strong. Thank you for giving us such a wonderful dog he brings us lots of joy and laughter. He can be pretty goofy at times.
The O'Briens.

Thanks so much... she is fitting right in with our three little ones... getting big though!

I have been meaning to send you an update email on Gus! He will be 10 months next week and has been an absolute joy! I can't believe how goofy he is. He actually makes me laugh at how silly he is. He is always happy and willing to play. He is also very loving. He loves toys. Especially catch and he loves it when I chase him around the yard. Whenever we are in public I always get asked what breed he is and am told how beautiful he is. He has a great personality and gets along with dogs of all shapes and sizes. I am so grateful for him and can't imagine him not apart of our family. Thank you for a wonderful dog.
Hello Kandi,
I hope all is well for you. OrangeBoy, now called Ozzie Bear is such a love! Everyone who meets him thinks he's the sweetest and friendliest lil guy. He's in this lanky phase right now. A couple weeks ago, he weighed in at 55.6#.
In June he's going to be neutered. Do you recommend while he's under to have a gastropexy too? I didn't know if bloat was an issue for this breed.
Thanks again for adopting this darling boy to me. He makes me so happy!
Thanks much,

Kandi, we think of you often because we keep meeting people in our neighborhood who tell us that they are considering getting a puppy from you. Then they see our MishMish and probably run and call you the same second.
Not only he is beautiful, he is the best dog we could have ever dreamt of and we are trying to be objective. He is good natured, mellow, fun, loves everyone. He is a beloved member of our family. He is the smartest dog I have ever seen - scarily smart. It is like he understands every word and he has always been way more mature than his few months.
here are some recent pics
oh, he is 80lb... so far. But probably almost done growing though who knows, he may have another spurt. He has webbed feet and he is the cutest creature in the world!

Here are some recent pictures of Charlie before and after first haircut. We are so in love with this sweet boy. He loves his daily walks, playing with his friend Beaux the mini golden doodle and hanging out in the yard. He is super laid back, and such a good dog.
Hope you have a Happy Easter.
Drennan Family
New Orleans

Pic of Burns female. She is awesome. About 48 lbs. the were born July 10th
Smart as a whip.
Thx Burns Family

Hi Kandi!
This is Kiley, Allison McCarthy's daughter. We came and picked up our puppy, Leo, a few weeks ago. We just wanted to give you an update about him. He's amazing and very sweet. Currently he is about 20 pounds but gets along with our bigger dogs just fine. We included a picture of him after he got into my mom's knitting stuff. As you see, he's due for a haircut.
I am collecting pictures of him to create a scrapbook of his life. Do you have any pictures of when he was a newborn? Also, do you have any pictures of his parents? He was born on January 19, 2017 and was the "Blue Boy" of his litter. His mom was Lacey and his dad was Stewie. Thank you so much!
Hi Kandi! Hope all is well! We're looking forward to hearing about our second little puppers. Hopefully soon, but understand the wait.
I've attached a few more pictures of Jedi. He just celebrated his first birthday over the Memorial Day weekend. He had a blast walking around town and visiting his cousins for tons of play time. Wore all 70 of his pounds out.
We've recently moved into a bigger house with a fenced in yard that allows him to run around a lot more. We still walk him downtown frequently. He definitely has his puppy moments but he is very good and we wouldn't trade him for anything.
Dave and Marcy

Hi, Kandi. Just wanted to send a couple of pictures of Jedi. At about 9 months old now, he is approximately 60 lbs and doing great. He loves to play with other dogs and he is just adorable. I've attached a few pics from recent days.

Hello Kandi! This is Beth Shaw who has Brody (a Nina and Stewie baby from 11/29/15). Brody is getting big!! He was neutered in July. He is great here in Maryland but Wednesday we relocate to Seattle. I think Brody will love the weather better in the Pacific Northwest (no hot weather- usually). Poor guy has to fly again but will get extra lovin when he gets to his new home State. We love him so much and can't thank you enough! Thanks, Beth Shaw
Hello Kandi,
I hope things are well with you and your family. I wanted to give you a quick update. Wilson is doing great, he's a huge goofball and brings so much joy to us. He currently listens like a typical teenager but he's starting to calm down just a bit.
Wilson and his buddy Enzo who we rescued from California. This is their idea of helping us garden

Hi Kandi,
Long time no talk! Moose is about to turn 1 on Friday! We are in love and super glad we made the choice to go with a bernedoodle. We’ve been through lots of ups and downs — he went through a LOT of digestion issues, and kennel cough twice but other than that he is a healthy young man. He’s a lot smaller than we expected, he’s only topping out at about 52 pounds and he’s been there for two months now. I’ve attached his proof of neutering just so you have it prior to his first birthday. Let me know if you need anything else!

Hi Kandi,
I apologize for not reporting back on Esme but here she is at 4 mos. - cute & sweet as she can be (despite sneaking onto the couch with her chew stick!).
She got her rabies shot today and weighted in at 23.8 lbs.
As a city dog, Esme is getting acclimated to lots of dogs, elevators, outdoor cafes, the lake, construction sites, fire trucks and ambulances, police horses and tourist horse & carriages. Not real crazy about motorcycles.
I am literally stopped every time we’re out - people can’t get enough of her. The even take selfies with her. Twice police cars have pulled over to see her and take selfies - first time I carried her over to the car for them to see and we had traffic backed up. No one was willing to go around us but they eventually pulled over and got out to take cuddle and take pictures. I have given your name out to dozens of people - who knows if anyone will contact you but based on the number of times someone is sure to.
So thank you again. Esme is healthy, charming, sweet and smart as a whip. She is a joy.
- Mary

Thanks so much Kandi! Good to know!
I just know another one of your babies will be in our future some day when we lose our Samson! Finnley and him get along famously and we are just so in love with Finn’s personality! He’s a big lover boy!

He’s just perfect in every way for us Kandi! Thank you so much! Merry Christmas to you and your family and wishing you all a very blessed new year!